Strategic Planning
In 2016 whānau of Korongata Marae began the process of developing a strategic plan. The first whānau hui was held on Saturday 27th August, and the second one was held on the 10th of September. They were both well attended hui where ideas were shared among the whānau. A draft strategy was given to the Trustees who refined it further. To the right are videos of our hui. Below is our strategic plan that was presented and adopted to the whanau at the 2018 Korongata Marae AGM.
In 2020 a brand new Board of Trustees were elected and the Strategic Plan has continued to be massaged with more detail implemented into the plan as specific changes have developed. With the support of expert advice through Ryan Watene and a robust Board of Business owners skills to progress the plan, Korongata Marae aspirations are looking more and more achievable. Be involved in the Strategic Vision by communicating with your representing Block Trustee on the Board.
Ruth Wong
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