Chairman's Message
Message from the Chair
(19 August 2024)
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangaranga hapū, whānau o Korongata Marae,
Tenā tatou katoa,
Over the past twelve months our trustees have worked hard to establish new and strengthen existing strategic relationships that would best support our whānau, marae, and hapū. We've made some great progress in some areas, whilst in others, we continue to face challenges.
I am humbled once again to serve our whānau, marae, hapū for another term. I want to acknowledge the past group of trustees for their dedication and work. Going forward I am equally happy to work with our new team, most of whom were re-elected in this new triennial election to represent one of the ten whānau blocks on our aggregated whenua, as stipulated in our charter.
One of the greatest aspirations of the Trustees in this up-and-coming term is the rebuilding of our whare tipuna Nukanoa. We will rely heavily on our tikanga experts to guide us through the process.
We have a lot of work to do. We are a working Trustee Committee which means we meet, we make decisions and we action those decisions and keep building on the decisions we make. We intend to keep the whānau informed at our regular wānanga that usually follow our Trustee meetings on the first Saturday of the month. Information is placed here on this website, on our Facebook page, and via email. If you want to stay informed, keep an eye on these communication platforms
Mauri Ora - Stay well!
Nāku noa
Nā Traci Tuimaseve
Chair, Korongata Trustees Committee
M: 027 3588246

The Korongata Marae Trustees - Picture taken on 19 August 2023 at the AGM / Election hui