Kawa of the Board
Kawa of the Board of Trustees
Code of conduct contributed to by Trustees at a Trustee Hui held on 1st August 2020.
1.Turama te Ahikāroa
Illuminate the home fires
Always acknowledge ahikaa.
Remember those whom we represent
Build a narrative about who we are and highlight the strengths of our people.
2. Korongata, Kia Manawanui
Manifest aspirations and be steadfast to the kaupapa
Be purposeful, with positive intentions.
Be aspirational and work for the benefit of Korongata marae and Ngāti Poporo.
Be progressive and forward moving.
3. Kōrero Mārama
Transparent communications
Communicate, negotiate, articulate.
Agenda process is clear and precise.
Trustees are given the opportunity to contribute to the agenda.
Keep to the agenda items and reports accordingly.
Constructive and progressive discussions.
Clarity of agenda (No hidden agenda).
Freedom to voice opinion.[1]
All information is clear, precise, timely and easy to understand.
Sound decisions are based on information and research.
4. Hei Atawhai, Hei Manaaki, Ngākau Whakaute
Kindness, Hospitality, Heartfelt Respect
Be kind, considerate and respectful toward one another.
Manaaki to exist in everything we feel, say, and do.
Show hospitality to others.
Appreciate contributions by all trustees.
Ensure that others are not being offended.[3]
In all kōrero, the mana of individuals is upheld, whether they are there in person or not.
Uphold ones own integrity and the integrity of others at all times.
5. Kia Tapatahi
To be united and principled
Work together toward collective action.
Manaaki to exist in everything we feel, say, and do.
Show hospitality to others.
Accept differences and consider the opinion or perspective of others.
Agree to disagree on decisions
Resolve issues within the hui and be united in decision making.
Be honest.
Conflict Resolution process: includes manaaki, mauri, mana, tautoko.
- A safe process and safe place to voice concerns.
- A fair and safe process for resolving issues
6. Mauri Ora
Positive Life force
Maintain a positive feeling within the group.
Consider vitality in decision making processes.
7. Te Mana o te Kawenata
Charter and Legal Obligations
Learn and understand Te Ture Whenua Act and our obligations.
Ensure we abide by the rules of the Act.
8. Hui a Kanohi
Attend Meetings
Learn and understand Te Ture Whenua Act and our obligations.
Ensure we abide by the rules of the Act.
All Trustees to attend the hui in person or by electronic means or
Place apologies when one cannot attend.
Alternative to Voice opinion in safety?
The Korongata Marae Trustees - Picture taken on 19 August 2023 at the AGM Election hui.. Pictured from left to right: Alieta Uelese, Logan Johnston, Templey Armitage, Duayne Davies, Tui Kingi, Traci Tuimaseve, Rose Reid, Kathleen O'Shaughnessy, Alayna Watene, and Vanessa Sadler