Wharekai re-opening
Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau o Korongata. on Saturday 4 March 2023,
We held a haka pōhiri to welcome in our few esteemed guests to the re-opening of our whare kai Matariki and our ablution block. It was great to have Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga (TTOH) Te Haaro Board Chairman Mike Paku and also the TTOH representative on the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Board, HB Regional Council, Cr Thompson Hokianga join us. It was through the TTOH tono for the Provincial Growth Fund that we were able to draw on these funds to renovate our buildings.
The day commenced with the pōhiri followed by a beautiful healthy breakfast prepared by our Kamau whānau, in our new kitchen. We had a Special General Meeting to accept our new charter which was approved by more than the required 75% of those beneficiaries in attendance.
We held our whakapapa wānanga and heard some good stories and I'm sure these brought back many memories for everyone. It was a fantastic day and we look forward to holding more gatherings at our marae - starting in the very near future.
Well done whānau! Big mihi to our cooks, our kaumātua and kuia, our kai kōrero, our kai karanga, our Korongatini kapa roopu, our tamariki, those who helped set up and pack down and everyone of you who came and supported our day....even our security team who stayed the night on Friday to keep an eye on everything. On behalf of the Trustees 'thank you' very much for your support.
Ngā mihi, Chairman, Traci Tuimaseve
The photo's below were taken by Ruth and Leilani Wong The video was captured by Te Peeti Armitage