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Korongata Whanau Hui

30 January 2021

30 January 2021

We are shoring up our marae to allow whanau tangihanga to be held in the wharenui.   

Summary of kaupapa discussed -

  • Shoring up our wharenui - Nukanoa: Professor Regan Potangaroa reassessed our marae just before Christmas and came back in January with a new assessment report. We do not need to repile foundation. Roof sits on the walls and not on the pou and the report back recommends we wedge the roof accordingly. We are getting a builder to do the work needed. At this stage, Jack Pritchard is meeting with Professor Potangaroa today. Other work we can do today involves cleaning the roof and gutters. 

  • PGF fund for other projects - Korongata Marae has received a Provincial Growth Fund which was applied for by Heretaunga Taiwhenua on behalf of some marae in Heretaunga and Te Whanganui A Orotu. We received a quote for approved work which will be covered by the PGF fund. Traci met with builders and work includes the drive way, replacing spouting, repainting interior, replacing flooring, etc. Today's working Bee was about Nukunoa, making it usable and after Jacks done the building work, we can legitimately use the wharenui for tangihanga. 

  • Marae Charter Review: This has been a big decision since the motion made at the AGM last year. The plan was to feedback to whanau by end of last year. Trustees received feedback from Te Peeti at the 5 December hui about what we should and shouldn't do. The agreement was to take Te Peetis recommendations and review the Charter over the next 2 -3 years. The recommendation from this mornings Trustee hui was to get Te Peeti to develop a plan for the roll out, not to do the work, but to recommend a plan. Whanau can be a part of the working group.  

  • Draft Marae Calendar - We have scheduled 4 quarterly whanau hui this year. Today -30 Jan, Matariki 5 June, AGM 7 August, 27 November NKII AGM. We will schedule other things as they come up and try give at least 2 months notice.  

  • Cleaning Groups -  A reminder about the monthly cleaning groups. Please check out the calendar for when your group is cleaning.  

  • HTST $1 million receivedKorongata Marae received our one million dollars from the Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust. The Marae Trustees moved a motion to put the total amount into a term deposit and it is accumulating a compound interest - growing, until we are ready to use it for the rebuild. 

  • Marae Trustee Meetings go online -  Future meetings will be recorded and put on our website to stay transparent and also to allow whanau to hear first hand the updates from Trustees and their Pou reports.  

  • Congratulations Laura Kele - Laura shared great news and has received a ‘Marsden funded scholarship’ to work towards a PHD focused on ‘Youth Connections to their ancestral marae’. She wanted to share here to the whanau before going public and is looking to move home in June. This 3year research will be based on both her parents marae Korongata and Te Rakato. This is absolutely awesome. 

  • Waitangi Day - Waitangi Day is on Saturday 6 Feb. Ruth reminded whanau to come, bring their iwi card to get their kai voucher and enjoy the free Mahons rides and Ardijah 




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